Network Configuration Documentation


This document outlines the BGP routing configuration for our multi-homed network with connections to various internet exchanges and transit providers in Bangkok, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Europe. Currently 3x 10G fibers are used for uplinks.


Scaling bandwidth

BGP Community Structure

We use BGP communities to classify and manage routes based on their origin and characteristics. Our community format is AABBCC, where:

  • AA: Region/Type
    • 10: Local (Bangkok)
    • 20: Regional
    • 30: Remote
  • BB: Provider
    • 10: BKNIX
    • 20: AMS-IX
    • 30: IPTX
    • 40: Reserved for future use
  • CC: Connection Identifier
    • 00: Primary connection
    • 01-99: Additional connections, ordered by preference

Key Communities

  • 101000: BKNIX Primary (Local 10G - Bangkok)
  • 102000: AMS-IX Bangkok Primary (Local 1G - Bangkok)
  • 201000: AMS-IX Hong Kong Primary (Regional 200M - Hong Kong)
  • 203000: IPTX Singapore Primary (Regional 500M - Singapore)
  • 203001: IPTX Hong Kong Secondary (Regional 500M - Hong Kong)
  • 302000: AMS-IX Europe Primary (Remote 100M - Amsterdam)

Routing Configuration

NameSpeedPath PrependMEDLocal PrefCommunityDescriptionEdge Router
AMS-IX Bangkok1G0100190142108:102000LOCAL-AMSIX-PRIMARYBKK20
IPTX Singapore500M1150185142108:203000REGIONAL-IPTX-SG-PRIBKK20
IPTX Hong Kong500M1150180142108:203001REGIONAL-IPTX-HK-SECBKK10
AMS-IX Hong Kong200M2200170142108:201000REGIONAL-AMSIX-HK-PRIBKK10
AMS-IX Europe100M3300160142108:302000REMOTE-AMSIX-EU-PRIBKK20

Traffic Engineering Principles

  1. Local Preference: Higher values indicate more preferred routes. Local routes are preferred over regional, which are preferred over remote routes.
  2. MED (Multi-Exit Discriminator): Lower values are preferred. Used to influence inbound traffic when other attributes are equal.
  3. AS Path Prepending: Increases AS path length to make a route less preferred. Used for coarse control of inbound traffic.